About the artist A. Nikole

I have lived in Atlanta, Ga since 2005 but I was born on a military base called Ft.Bragg, which is in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Yes, I was an infamous Army brat. I got to meet people from all around the world and experience different ways of living. We moved every 2 to 4 years so we took advantage of long scenic road trips, and that is where I began to learn how to sing and write. 

A.NiKole came to be when I listened to Mariah Carey’s Music Box album on the drive from El Paso, TX to Columbia, SC. When I cried to Toni Braxton Breathe again in the bathtub with the lights off. When I rode my bike to my middle school while listening to Destiny’s Child the writings on the wall. I didn’t know what I knew then but I know it now.

I have a deep love for music with a message, a message so loud you can feel it. This inspired me to create the same type of music; music that makes you feel, think, and learn in a world where a lot of us want to be numb. I focus on R&B and soul music but I love other genres of music so I will definitely explore all types,you won’t even get a chance to be bored. My first single Watch Me Cry focused on my first romantic heartbreak which was a catalyst to my core strength and beliefs. I look forward to sharing my growth with you all and I appreciate every moment you tune in.